Obec Kuks

Braun's Bethlehem


The natural gallery of Braun's sculptures are behind the borders of the Kuks, but inherent to Kuks. On the hill of Nový les (New forest), over the village Žireč, M.B.Braun with his pupils created in 1723-1733 set of sculptures. By main piece set have name Bethlehem.  Apart from famous author are sculptures interesting and that, they was made like coherent set of art pieces, where was found stone for creation. From 1970 is Bethlehem is introduce like culture monument and World Famous Fund place between 100 most endanegered monuments on the world.

The most famous is sculpture of st. Onrufius, which copy decorated our exhibition pavilion on world exhibition in Osaca in 1970. From the orginally large piece has survived only part and are damaged, but after at all, make unfrogetable experience.


Ladislav Lašek a Vladimír Kučera

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